Our online tutoring method provides one-to-one sessions with the UK’s most sought-after private tutors for (I)GCSE, IB and A Level curriculums. These tutors cannot usually be accessed by international families living abroad.
Online tuition provides a more engaging environment for young adults and the modern 21stC learner to develop a deeper understanding of curriculum material, leading to higher results. Young adults are often demotivated by old methods of teaching, heavy books and uninspiring resources, leading to poor performance.
Lesson notes, past papers, sample questions, set texts, syllabuses and coursebooks are all in digital format which is more encouraging and practical for young adults accustomed to technology.
Online tuition is not effectuated via skype. New interactive whiteboard technology provides a professional online learning experience based on video call and live document sharing with your tutor. Pupils can explore documents, write their answers and access useful website links through their online lesson whiteboard.
Pupils can explore useful videos, listen to audio material, do online activities from professional digital versions of Cambridge International and Pearson books. Listening activities are especially useful for foreign language learners and learners of English.
Sessions take place from the safety and comfort of your home, without the need to travel. Scheduling is simpler and works around your travel arrangements and personal school or work timetable.